Crazy Cat Lady Gifts: 10 Products You Need!

Of course I normally blog about travel, but I figured I’d dive into writing about my second favorite topic… CATS!

As a self proclaimed “crazy cat lady”, I am of course very qualified to talk about this important topic! I have two manx cats, and they are spoiled by the epic catio my husband built.

Here is a great list of crazy cat lady gifts, for the cat lover in your life!

Some links in this post are affiliate links, meaning if you book or buy something through one of these, I may earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you!).

1. Cat Stroller– Will you get strange looks from your neighbors? Yeah, probably… #worthit.  My cats honestly like this though because they can look around, not feel restrained, and it rides pretty smooth (no extra jostling).
This is great for longer walks or if you want to go outside your neighborhood. It can be a struggle to squish them in the first time, but now they aren’t scared and actually jump in willingly. This is my favorite of the crazy cat lady gifts!

2. Cat Backpack– Only certain cats will be okay with this, but if your cat has the personality for it, it’s great! I use this for short strolls around my neighborhood, or if we want to bring our cat on a picnic, etc.
They will of course be a little squished, so I recommend the stroller for longer trips! PS- be prepared for strange looks! 🙂

3. Cat Snuggle Hoodie – Not a necessity, but definitely a fun and cute way to stay warm and coerce your cat into forcibly loving you. My cat doesn’t like to be in it unless I’m sitting, but I’m sure younger cats wouldn’t mind you walking around in it!cat snuggle hoodie, crazy cat lady gifts

4. Cat Carriers– My favorite brand of cat carriers are from Pet Magasin. They are good quality, and like this carrier, multi-functional. You can carry them around the neighborhood for fun, ride on a road trip, or begrudgingly lay in it on the way to the vet.
I have this cat carrier model too. It’s a basic carrier and not a backpack, but very sturdy!

5. Cat Harness Only certain cats have the personality and desire to go outside on a walk. If you are lucky to have a kitty who is down for it, this is the best harness! It’s extremely secure, good quality, and comes recommended by famed cat trainer Jackson Galaxy.
It seems to be out of stock often on Amazon, but that’s the link. As for a leash, really any one will do!

6. “Sunny Seat” Cat Bed– These are a great investment! Both of my cats love them, and they are easy to install. We started out with one but now have three! This is one window seat model we have for larger windows, and then another window seat for smaller windows with a wide sill.

7. Cat Door– We installed these in a few places in our house, and even though it took my one cat over a year to really figure it out, they finally did! These are swinging doors and you can lock them if need be.
For a different model, I like these cat doors too! Also don’t forget to take an extra step into “crazy” territory, and get a monogram sticker for your cat door like  I did!

8. Custom Cat PillowsYou send in a photo of your cat, and voila! They print an artistic rendering of your sweet baby onto the item of your choice. The ones we have are from the Pet Canva website, and they have loads of other items you can smack your cat’s face onto as well! These make the perfect crazy cat lady gifts!

9. Custom Watercolor Cat Portrait– If you are like me, you want your home decor to showcase your precious angel babies. The best artist I’ve found on Etsy is the lovely Krystal of “Coast To Coast Artist”.
For very reasonable prices, she will paint truly beautiful custom portraits of your babies. Support small artists, and make your house cute!

10. Cat Memorial Necklace– If you are like me, you were probably really attached to your childhood pets. When my two cats died at the ripe ages of 18 and 19, I found this product was my favorite way to keep their memory alive.
They are cute, simple, stylish, and customizable (color and font). You can add in dogs too!

EXTRA! Things my cats have always loved:

  1. Cardboard scratchers, it’s like crack to them. Our cats feel the need to obsessively scratch these each time someone enters or leaves the house.
  2. Cat scratching post with sling bed. We call it “the sling” and our cats basically live in it. Then, when they wake up at night with murder in their eyes, they can scratch the post to their heart’s content!
  3. Catnip-filled “kitty kickers”. When your cat gets into “kill mode” just chuck one of these their way and enjoy the entertainment that will ensue.
  4. Cat Grass– A very cheap purchase, but one your cats will likely be obsessed with. It’s safe for them, helps them be “one” with nature, and maybe results in some puke for you, but again… #worthitcrazy cat lady gifts ideas

Things my cats liked, but then (annoyingly) got tired of:

  1. Cat water fountain– In the beginning, it was #hype, but towards the end they decided they no longer liked it and are now back to the stagnant bowls of yesteryear. It’s a shame really.
  2. Cat-It ball in tube toy. Again, the light up balls and the novelty factor made this their favorite toy for a good two years. It has since been donated, but wasn’t a bad idea!
  3. Cat-It face scratcher toy. They liked it for a few months, and then being the brats they are, tired of it.

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Crazy cat lady gift ideas for the cat lover in your life!

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  • Reply cosette November 28, 2020 at 6:57 am

    That backpack, there’s so much out there for the cat lover to buy. You name it and its available.

  • Reply Taylor November 29, 2020 at 2:12 pm

    This is seriously the cutest idea for cat lovers! I don’t have a cat, but if I did, I would totally be getting all of this!

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